2014 - Teacher Orientation - Day 2


Today was Friday the 13th, an omen for bad luck in Canada. The day started off great. We all had breakfast together, with lots of yogurt and bacon, made special by Adam. Dishes were done pretty quickly with a whole bunch of teachers helping. Then we did something difficult: a French exam. French exams sure did make us hungry. Lunch was great. After lunch, we went rock-climbing. It “rocked”. Afterwards we came back to SAIT and we brainstormed lesson plans. We worked very hard, which led to Pizza partying with advice from veteran Wynchemnite, Kyle. Then we had our teacher’s casino night. Dustin had all the luck and won a lot of Wynchemoney. With our winnings we got some cool prizes. We ended the day off racing around campus with Roland. Turns out Friday the 13th isn’t always a bad day, at least not for Dustin![AFG_gallery id='117']