28 June - Exams, Basketball, Squash, and Mall


We woke up this morning bright-eyed and bushy-tailed! The students and teachers sprung out of bed and enjoyed a breakfast of eggs, bacon, toast, fresh strawberries and grapes, yogurt and waffles. Next, we began our written exams, “It’s easy-peasy!” said one student. Individually students did oral interviews with teachers. After we diligently completed the exams, the students had worked up an appetite. So we headed upstairs and enjoyed a wide variety of foods and lively conversations with our new friends and teachers.The we headed out, scavenger hunt sheets in hand, to explore our beautiful campus. The winning group completed the task in record time!Speaking of our beautiful campus, we headed over the the recreation centre and played basketball, racquetball, squash, and ping pong.Then onto our big yellow bus where were headed to the mall for dinner and a little window shopping. On the bus ride home, we saw some sleepy faces. After naming student of the day Carmen, we headed off to bed to dream all that tomorrow holds.[AFG_gallery id='566']