Arctic Foxes + Horned Owls - July 30th, 2018 - Buffalo Jump


Today at Wynchemna the Owls and Foxes had a fantastic day as a combined group!After a delicious breakfast with waffles, toast, cereal, bacon, eggs, and fruit amongst many other things, the two groups went to Head Smashed In Buffalo Jump.The bus ride was full of good conversation as the students played games, and learned many things about one another!After arriving at the Buffalo Jump, we prepared a tasty lunch of sandwiches with many different types of meat, cheeses, vegetables, and spreads.Following lunch, we embarked on a hike to explore the historical site of head smashed in Buffalo Jump. The students learned a lot about the significance of the site while enjoying the beautiful scenery.Once the hike was completed, we returned onto the bus to go to Frank Slide! The students loved climbing and exploring the rocks.Finally, we hopped back onto the bus and headed to the lake to cook a scrumptious dinner of grilled sausages. While dinner was being prepared, some students swam in the lake while others played sports!As the bus arrived back in Calgary, the students were sent to bed after a long, fun filled day and we can’t wait for tomorrow’s adventures![AFG_gallery id='823']