Brooding Whooping Cranes - LAST DAY, Art projects, certificates, awards, and steak dinner! (Aug 7, 2016)


Rise and shine campers! It's check-out time! We shook our tail feather up and out of our beds and into the hotel lobby to be picked up by Roger on the bus. Yeah man! We got dropped off at the Cross Iron Mills outlet mall for one of our favourite activities: shopping!!! We shopped til' we dropped and then grabbed a bite to eat at the food court. Then it was time to head back to finish our art activity that we started last week in Drumheller. Our art instructor Yvonne taught us how to grout our mosaics so that they would be finished in time to be put into our suit cases. There's nothing like an art activity to help you relax and reflect on an amazing trip to Canada. We finished our art pieces and packed our bags quickly. Since it was our last day at Wynchemna, we performed the awards ceremony next. Each camper received his or her own specially designed award to match his or her unique superstar personality. Then it was time for a scrumptious steak dinner at Nick's. The students loved steak! And lots of them learned new vocabulary such as: rare, medium-rare, medium, and medium-well done so that they could order a steak to their liking. After dinner it was back to SAIT we went for a surprise! Teacher Vicky had prepared a slideshow. We watched, laughed, cried, and reminisced while watching all the new memories we made while in Canada. We said some goodbyes and everyone went to sleep for a few hours since most of family camp would be flying out very early in the morning. Although they only had a few hours to sleep, it was reported that everyone dreamed about the happy moments they shared as one big happy family. "We are family!"[AFG_gallery id='547']