Chinook Winds - July 17-2013

Clean up day already. In preparation for the move to our new rooms, we cleaned our rooms and re-organized our personal items.  That meant a trip to the laundry room here at SAIT, always a fun time.  Who would’ve thought that doing laundry in a large group could be so fun?  But, it was.  Much advice was shared between our group about whether it is best to avoid mixing whites and colours or whether powdered detergent is better than liquid.  As our laundry was being done, we had classes.  There was a lot of noise coming from one class as the students were involved in a game in which the had to describe a list of items to their team-mates as quickly as possible.  Tongues became tied, words became tangled, and mystified expressions of exasperation were punctuated by bouts of laughter. After our classes ended (later than usual today), we had a quick dinner at the mall, this time joined by our new group member and recent arrival Kevin who is from Mexico.  From the mall we hit the movie theatre to see Owen Wilson in his new comedy The Internship (but Andy and Shaun the teacher decided to see Oblivion instead).  It was kind of difficult to watch a whole movie in English, but since we have had soooooo much practice while here in Calgary, it was not as bad as we thought.  Plus, the teachers were there to explain some of the story and jokes when we needed it.  Great movie, loads of laughs!  One great thing about the movie theatre was that you could get free re-fills of popcorn. But, in Canada you can’t get sugared popcorn. Talk about culture shock! 

Chinook WindsDustin