Hissing Prairie Rattlesnakes - Tent Games! - July 6, 2016


Our fun-filled day started after a nutrient packed breakfast prepared by both teachers and students alike. Students then headed to their classes, all greeted by their teachers who were filled with excitement to teach them the joys of the English language.Lunch then followed lessons, with tent games afterwards. Students enjoyed bonding with their tent mates through a variety of activities that ranged from tug of war to a water sponge relay race. Laughter filled the field as friendships were strengthened. Suddenly rain started pouring down but everyone safely made it back within the building with all their gear as well. Groups then created original designs for their t-shirts accompanied by their own songs and dances. From Rams to Chipmunks to Lynx, all the groups showcased their talent and creativity in different ways.The night ended with a quick lesson on how to set up our tents. Tired and filled with excitement for the upcoming days, the campers went to bed; their heads sure to dream of the wilderness that ahead.[AFG_gallery id='404']https://www.flickr.com/photos/78673003@N07/27880157640/in/album-72157669690794510/https://www.flickr.com/photos/78673003@N07/27880160060/in/dateposted-public/https://www.flickr.com/photos/78673003@N07/27880157640/in/dateposted-public/