Howling Wolves - 10 July 2015 - Not Pan Am, but Tent Games!


Today went GREAT! We welcomed a short sleep in, so that we could have more energy for lessons - three in a row, and so so much learning.After lunch we teachers announced the tent groups: Moose, Squirrels, Wolves, Foxes, Beavers, Owls, Chipmunks Cougars, and Caribou! Excited and proud, we made t-shirts, wrote songs and created flags.After presenting their what their imagination imagined, the students competed in the classic Wynchemna tent games. Things may have got a little too competitive and a lot too fun when it all ended in a wild water balloon fight!To finish off the day, we got ready for camping by rolling our sleeping bags and labeling them. The best campers are the prepared campers, and the most excited campers? They're at Wynchemna![AFG_gallery id='261']