Howling Wolves - Camping (13-17 July 2015) - Wolves in the Woods


The camping trip with this group of Wynchemnites at Pocaterra in the beautiful Peter Lougheed park definitely reminded us teachers of an old saying:“Wolves always travel in packs”. What does that mean when you’re not actually wolves, but international students learning English in the Canadian Rockies?It means working together through all the challenges presented by the mountains: the weather, the wind, the rain, the cold and even the possibility of bears. But those problems aren’t really problems when you’re with your pack of Howling Wolves, and those “problems” lead to great rewards: delicious picnics, enchanting campfires, panoramic mountain views, biking through the woods, hiking up to mountaintop lakes, swimming in mountaintop lakes, walking over the skywalk, riding horses around Lake Louise, stars at night and smiles all day…Everything easier in a pack, and everything’s definitely much more fun![AFG_gallery id='286']