Migrating Pacific Salmon - July 27, 2017 - Sailing and Beach Day!


The day started with a bang! No really, the teachers woke some of the sleepy-head students up by banging on their doors so that we made it to breakfast on time. Luckily once the students were up, they felt well-rested.We ate waffles, sausages, fruits and an assortment of cereals at the cafeteria. After breakfast, we ran around campus completing the UBC scavenger hunt. The students felt much more familiar with the campus after the hunt and were happy to locate the nearest Starbucks.Next it was time for the exam. Students persevered through a thought-provoking written exam; then they were individually interviewed to assess their speaking abilities.Students and teachers had worked up an appetite so we headed back to the caf for lunch. It was burger day! There were a variety of toppings, not to mention French fries and salad to complete a well-balanced meal.Next we went sailing. What a hoot! Students learned new vocabulary words such as: rudder, mast, bow, and stern. They set out in the Pacific Ocean with a sparkle in their eyes and a song in their hearts. A few students even saw a sea lion.Finally we relaxed, ate pizza for supper, and swam in the ocean. We hit the hay early since some of our friends were still battling what was left of their jetlag.[AFG_gallery id='673']