Migrating Pacific Salmon - July 31, 2017 - Bella Ceramica and Lacrosse


The students had breakfast at the UBC cafeteria this morning, we started the day with pancakes and scrambled eggs- so nutritious and delicious! After their breakfast the teachers introduced the most exciting class to the students- Wynchemna TV! They broke into groups and were responsible for a part of a TV program, such as: commercials, weather broadcast, the news, a soap opera trailer, etc. They wrote their scripts and made props today, so they can be camera ready for tomorrow. These videos will be put together and played at the end of camp, can't wait to see the final product!After having soft tacos for lunch, the students got on the bus and headed down to the Bella Ceramica. They were given mugs to glaze/ paint over, and the students had to freedom to design it however they wanted. Some of our students got really creative, while others used this opportunity to make a souvenir from Canada. After a couple of hours of painting, we got sushi for takeout and ate on the beach that was nearby, the weather was absolutely beautiful as well!After we got back to our residence, we met outside to play some Lacrosse! This Canadian sport was new for everyone so we practiced how to shoot and pass with our partners. We quickly divided into teams and played a match before it got too dark. The students picked up the game very quickly, but they were struggling to pick up the ball. They had so much fun and all their energy were drained, perfect way to end the night! Tomorrow we go to the Play land![AFG_gallery id='700']