Monarchs- July 18th: Trip to Edmonton Mall


This morning the Monarchs woke up with plenty of energy to get the day started and have another day with lots of fun and different activities!They first started the day off with a big breakfast because during breakfast, their teachers told them they were driving out to Edmonton to spend the day at the West Edmonton mall! They also told us it was one of our friends birthdays today and had a surprise cake and candles to cut for her on our way down to Edmonton. After breakfast, they put their things in their bags and headed off to Edmonton. In the bus, they learnt that the West Edmonton mall is the largest mall in all of North America! Their teachers told them that not only is it filled with cool stores, but it also had a water park in it. They couldn't believe their teachers and knew they had to see it with their own eyes. When they got there, they were amazed with how big it was and how it was the biggest waterslides they've ever seen before! We were very lucky that we were able to do both. We went shopping and then put on our bathing suits and went down purple, blue and pink slides that swirled and looped around like pretzels!Today was a great day![AFG_gallery id='642']