Paddling River Otters - July 4th, 2018 - Arrival Day


Today we woke up for 9am and had a delicious breakfast! We then went to our amazing classes before having lunch at the cafeteria! We had a choice between pizza or noddles or quesadillas!After lunch, full of energy, we headed downtown for some shopping. At the mall, we bought clothes, shoes and most importantly Canadian souvenirs. We shopped until we couldn't even walk. On the way back to the residence we took a scenic walk over the river, through the Peace Bridge.Meanwhile, at the residence new students, soon to be new friends started coming from the airport. Dinner was very exciting as everyone got to meet each other and make tons of new friends. Having refuelled ourselves we headed outside to play a few games. It was a long and fun filled day but now it's time to sleep.[AFG_gallery id='755']