Paddling River Otters - July 5th - Volleyball and Rock Climbing


Today at camp Wynchemna we had a very active and exciting first day! We were jostled awake when a fire alarm rang through the building and everybody ran outside in their pjs - turns out there was no real danger and we all had a good laugh.We began by eating a nutritious and delicious breakfast including some eggs, waffles with real Canadian maple syrup, fruit and bacon! The students got to know other students in their breakfast-rooms and started the day off by making some new friends from around the globe!After breakfast, we went outside and played a game of “get to know each other BINGO” where students had to find other students who had something in common with them! We then had placement exams that consisted of written and oral tests to figure out the students level of English knowledge. We also had an art lesson where the kids painted their own magic clay polar bears!We then ate lunch and went to rock climbing and volleyball! They kids had so much fun rock climbing to the top of the wall and belaying each other! Volleyball in the sand courts was also very exciting and enjoyed!Finally we had a lasagna, salad and garlic bread dinner following with fun board games in the kids apartments. Louise had a birthday today - she turned 14 years old so we celebrated with a birthday cake and sang to her in many different languages.The kids are looking forward to their time at Wynchemna, learning English and doing activities with their new friends and teachers!![AFG_gallery id='758']