Splashing Habour Seals - August 5th, 2018 - Grouse Grind and Spa Night


Today we started our day with another fulfilling breakfast. After this we continued to work on Wynchemna TV. We are making a whole program to watch! We have weather, news, gossip and much more! After this we headed to lunch so we could fuel up for our big hike - Grouse grind ! This hike is the equivalent to walking up the CN tower one and a half times, that’s a lot of stairs. The mountain called us and we all answered, as we trudged up the steps to see the best view of Vancouver. At the top we were awaited by snacks and a lovely grizzly bear habitat. They are so cute when they are sleeping. After we took enough selfies at the top we loaded into the gondola for a relaxing ride down. Though the smell was that great - gross! After this we enjoyed some delicious sandwiches, boy did we need those calories. After this we were all pretty tuckered our so we enjoyed a Wynchemna tradition, Spa night ! Face masks, pores strips and massages. What an amazing end to the day. We can’t wait for Granville island tomorrow !Splashing Habour Seals - August 5th