Spring is here and the summer of 2016 is just around the corner!


Eddy is back......I’m thrilled to be returning to Wynchemna this summer! I enjoy cooking (and eating), cycling, hiking, and camping. I’m looking forward to meeting all of you soon, and am excited for the new experiences we’ll share together.EddyIMG_1549Joshua in Banff editedHard to believe last week we had 15C in Calgary. With all the spring weather, one cannot stop thinking about the summer of 2016. It seems just like yesterday another summer finished at Wynchemna and now we are planing the summer of 2016. Of course no summer would be complete without Josh.Hi everyone!My name is Josh and I have been working at Wynchemna for a few years now. Every year is it a great adventure and I am always happy to meet new people from around the world. I am also excited to work with all the great teachers and staff who make Wynchemna great. Visiting the National Parks, doing tons of sports and camping are awesome ways to spend a summer and learn a new language. I'm very outgoing and friendly! If you see me around, don't be shy and say hello. See you this summer!- Joshua