Stomping Striped Porcupines - July 22, 2018 - DINSOAURRRSSS!!


Today we visited one of our all time favourite places, the home of the dinosaurs, Drumheller!!!We started off our day cooking another amazing Canadian breakfast and then we headed off for 3 funucational lessons, we just love learning new things and getting active in our lessons! After our fun filled classes we headed down for lunch prepared by Canada’s top chef: Meagan, a delicious lunch of beef, rice and noodles. Of course we had dessert too!After lunch we packed up all our belongings and headed off. Our teachers were crazy as always, dancing and singing on the bus, playing games, solving riddles and performing magic tricks. Our bus rides are always fun!We got to horseshoe canyon and were so amazed by the view, that we just had to take 15 minutes of selfies. We then embarked on an hike through the beautiful canyon. We ran over the hilltops, jumped over cacti , and even jumped into a dried up creek.Despite being tired and hot after our hike we quickly bounced back with a slice of watermelon, and some cream puffs, and then headed off to the Royal Tyrell Museum to visit those palaeontologist’s prehistoric pets... DINOSAURS!!! We were fascinated to find out that most of the dinosaurs in the museum had come from right here in Alberta! Even from Calgary where we are living!After visiting the museum we drove to the splash park for a BBQ. We ran around in the sprinklers, some of us played soccer and football and others helped cook. We ate hamburgers, chicken burgers, hotdogs and veggie burgers. We also had salad, fruits and meat and crackers! We went back to playing sports and hanging out with our friends and setting off back home to SAIT. What a beautiful sunset we saw on the way home! We got back and headed straight to bed, tired from our great adventures today and be ready and rested for tomorrow![AFG_gallery id='789']