Student letter from Laura - Class of 2006


Over the years, we have received many letters from students after they have come to a Wynchemna summer camp. Here is one from 2006 by a student visiting from Germany:wynchemna_2006Hello World Travelers,The three weeks I spent at an English language camp in Canada transformed me to become self confident, open to new worlds, and my English improved enormously. During the first days at camp everyone was a little reserved and it was difficult to only speak and think in English 24 hours of every day.There were young people from Mexico, Japan, Italy, Thailand, France and Ukraine, and it was very interesting to be together with so many different nationalities of my age group. Everyone spoke about the history of their country, the political status and cultural traditions. In just a short time we were no longer strangers and the first friendships were established.Every day of the first two weeks were structured so that after a delicious breakfast we received three hours of English lessons. There we practiced speaking and writing as lessons were conducted in English; my favorite hour was about literature studies. It was a completely different style of teaching than in a German school. There were only 6-7 students per class, which meant there was lots of opportunity to practice and the teacher could really focus on the weaknesses of each student. Furthermore, the atmosphere was so much more relaxed than in German schools. We laughed a lot and sometimes we were allowed to eat fruit or drink during class.After the classes we went for lunch to a canteen with a wide variety of meals to choose from, so that there was something for every dietary requirement. In the afternoon there was time for the various free time activities. We played ice-hockey, football, beach-volleyball, or went canoeing and kayaking, visited bowling alleys and the movies, a climbing wall and much more. Every day was packed with things to do and if bad weather meant a planned activity had to be cancelled, the counselors always had a substitute plan of action at hand. It was astonishing how organized everything was.Evening meals were enjoyed in all kinds of restaurants and after 11:30pm it was time for lights out. During the first two weeks that we spent in Calgary, the friendship circles strengthened and I really enjoyed spending time with my Mexican friends. I had never expected that such a great friendship could transpire within so few weeks. Even three months after the camp I still have contact with my best “Wynchemna” friend and for my next summer holiday I will even travel to visit her in Mexico. Who would have thought that?Back to the camp, the final week we left town and headed for the Rocky Mountains. The Canadian countryside is exceptionally beautiful. You can sense the freedom when you look into the mountains or follow the flow of rivers – it is truly breathtaking. Often my best friend and I would sit on a rock and silently admire the nature. We were happy. In the national park we went horse riding, hiking, mountain biking, and much more. Every evening we all sat around the campfire and sang songs. Even though the nights were quite cold, these days in the mountains were very enjoyable, (unfortunately we didn’t see a bear).The time flew by in Canada. Then I had to face up to the most difficult task – saying goodbye. I don’t think anyone found it easy; tears flowed. It wasn’t an easy walk into the plane to go home with the thought in the back of my mind, that I will never see some of the people again. Finally I would like to say that these three weeks belong to the best time in my life. I learnt how to cope on my own in a foreign country and how to make friends with unknown people. I recommend everyone who has the chance to go to this camp to take it. AND I can’t wait to see my best “Wynchemna” friend again!