Teacher Camping Trip!


The last part of our amazing orientation was a camping trip in the mountains. We were there for two days. On the first day we drove there with Adam and Roland leading the way. Once arriving, we ventured off into the wild for a mountain bike ride that will never be forgotten. In the drizzling rain the sun started shining through giving us a beautiful sun shower we all needed to continue on the trek. After the 8km bike ride through the sun, rain, and beautiful mountains we arrived back to the camp site for supper, games, and a campfire. Sitting around the campfire talking for hours, eating banana boats and s'mores with the mountains in the background was truly a unique experience to the Canadian Rockies.On the second day Roland and Adam, being our favourite people in the world, let us sleep in for the first time during orientation. This extra hour of sleep was truly needed as we had big ticking trip ahead of us. We packed up the campsite, piled into the van and were on our way. This hike was straight up a mountain, showing us that Dylan is actually a mountain goat in disguise and Michelle and Mikaela prefer to hike downhill. Even through all the struggles, the breathtaking view at the top of the mountain was the most amazing part of orientation 2018. This view was so beautiful it was addicting. This view is something we strive to show all of our students throughout their journey here in Canada. After returning to Calgary we had a great time kayaking and setting up the camp.[AFG_gallery id='747']