Thumping Snowshoe Hares - July 10th, 2017 - Hockey and Casino Night


Today was another great day here at Wynchemna! We got to experience a yummy Calgary tradition, the Stampede breakfast! Pancakes​​, sausages and of course we had to have our sweet Canadian maple syrup. Breakfast was delicious!After filling up on pancakes, we had our lessons and then another great tasting meal for lunch. In the afternoon we played hockey, and this time we played in the hockey arena. It was a lot of fun being able to slide and glide on the smooth ice. Everyone channeled their inner hockey star and it was awesome! The students showed great sportsmanship as they worked together in teams. All that hockey playing made us really hungry, so we walked over to the mall and ate our dinner. Italian food was on the menu tonight, pizza and pasta, everyone loved it!To finish off the day we had a casino night where we played a variety of games such as "uno" and "bingo". We were able to dress up if we wanted, so many of the students put on their best clothes and did their makeup and hair. After about an hour of playing games, the students counted how much money they had earned and we then had an auction for some cool prizes.Tomorrow we are going to do our "Great Canadian Race", and I can't wait to see how that goes![AFG_gallery id='594'][AFG_gallery id='595']