An Intense Day of Competition and Fun!

It was a competitive day at Wynchemna, with the students being divided into different tent groups. These tent groups were the Elks, Chipmunks, Geese, Beavers, Walruses, Cougars, Bison, and Arctic Foxes. The students came up with a song/chant, a poster, and group t-shirts around their chosen animal. They would compete against the other groups to see who had the best designs and presentation! The students had a lot of creative fun with this, as they showcased their artistic talents! Team Walrus ended up taking first place as they designed amazing shirts, a great poster, and an original new song around their team! The groups were then pitted against each other in various games to see who was the best team! They competed in the Centipede Race, the Oreo Challenge, Dizzy Bat, and the Sponge Race. The students had a blast, laughing and enjoying the tent games! Overall, it was a fantastic day at the Wynchemna Camp - and one the students will never forget!