Best Wishes and Until We Meet Again, Farewell Canada!

*please find below the slideshow, newspaper and Ikea Movie

What a great last day we spent together! Our teachers surprised us with a fun filled night that left us with many memories to bring back home after our trip is over. First we got to write airport letters to each other, this involved everyone writing messages to eachother that the other person will open on the flight home, so many nice and meaningful letters were written this day! Next, after a nice hotel breakfast we went swimming. Later we went back to for our final visit to our old home at SAIT where we watched a slideshow that recapped so many moments from our time at this camp! We laughed, we cheered and we cried when going through all the pictures and memories that we’ve shared together. We also got to watch the thrilling “Murder of Jakub” that starred some of the students in a “high budget” production. We wrapped up the days activities with a meal at the famous Denny’s restaurant, followed by desert from Wendy’s and then a night of bowling for one last hurrah! But wait, theres more we saved the best for last. Before the flights home we all received certificates for successfully completing our time at Wynchemna and learning so much, we also got to trade and collect pictures of each-other.

The night following this was both fun and sad as many students stayed up late with their friends to say goodbye. There was a lots of crying, hugging, laughing and reminiscing all the way until the last suitcases were loaded up at 2pm the next day!

As your teachers we want to thank everyone for making this time at Wynchemna something truly special and unforgettable. We had so much fun learning and playing with everyone and we wish you all the best and hope that we can meet you again someday, whether it be in Canada or even in your countries. Till then, good luck and farewell.

- Ryan, Dusty, Nicole, Sadie