Rock Climbing, Dancing and Tent and Games Day!

This concludes another fun day at Wynchemna, the summer staff participating in activities to get a sense of what Wynchemna participants will be experiencing upon their arrival. Teachers started off with a french exam and the staff also participated in a climbing session and in a swing dance lesson. Teachers then got split into groups and there was some friendly competition to make the best posters, chants and t-shirts, the Good Grizzlies and the Mecha Moose both put up a good fight. There are no losers but, if we were to pick a winner it might have been the Mecha Moose because the Good Grizzlies had tshirts that kind of looked liked hippos and/or possibly little piggies.Teachers then spent some time drilling how to build tents, roll sleeping bags, played tent games and concluded the evening with dinner.

2022Wynchemna Teachers