August 10th 2016 - Rock Climbing, Volleyball, CASINO NIGHT - Bugling Woodland Caribous

After a chorus of yells the night before, breakfast was pushed to 9:30. The students woke with an extra half an hour of sleep to a beautiful day in Calgary. A wonderful breakfast of good food and fun conversations was had by all students. Once the last dish was cleared and cleaned, the students headed out to their first lesson.Couple of hours after lessons and lunch, the students loaded onto the party bus and headed out into the days adventures. The group split up into two groups. While half went to rock climb at Stronghold rock climbing gym, the other half went to play indoor volleyball. As fears were conquered and balls were spiked, friendships were strengthened.Afterwards, the party bus made its way to the beloved Market Mall to have a dinner of pasta, pizza, and an assortment of salads.The students were then treated to one of the best nights at Wynchemna: Casino Night. Casino night is made up of several different card games, delicious treats, dancing, good music, and a blind auction. The students played games, cheered for each other and had a fantastic night!Tomorrow, like today, will be a great day.[AFG_gallery id='554']