Bellowing Buffalos - August 3rd


  Today the students had their hearty breakfast and started clearing up their rooms in anticipation of the new arrival of students! Lunch was a spicy chicken dish with mashed potatoes and salad prepared by the wonderful Erika (what would we do without her?!?). After their lessons, they had an amazing time out playing baseball. In fact, they had such a great time that they went out again in the night for another game of baseball…in the rain!!! But in the meantime, the new students from China and France were arriving, and the previous students were stellar in helping dish out the booklets, folders, water bottles and being very welcoming and inviting towards our new students. It was a sight to behold! Everyone got along famously, and it was just the first night together! Next, we played a game of bingo to get each other well acquainted. Our reward was croissant sandwiches, hot chocolate and strawberry pie! Then we went over the rules and expectations of Wynchemna, a very serious procedure. By the end of the day, we were all exhausted and glad to hit the stack, ready for whatever will come tomorrow.Good night!J   [AFG_gallery id='211'][AFG_gallery id='210']