Cackling Canada Geese - July 6th, 2017 - Canoeing and Canadian Football


Today we had a fun-filled morning with our newly arrived friends starting in our breakfast rooms. After our delicious breakfast we headed to our English lessons with our favourite teachers! We learned lots of new vocabulary and played some English games to practice our newly acquired words!In the afternoon we ate an amazing lunch together where we got to mingle even more! Then we jumped on a bus and headed to the Canoe Club where experts taught us how to paddle and steer. We set out onto the reservoir with our new canoeing skills and had a blast! Then we packed up and headed off to play some good 'ol Canadian Football! This was a new game to many of us, but we loved it. Everybody learned to throw and catch the football like a pro.After our day of sports we returned home to make some yummy lasagna, garlic bread, and salad. We all helped cook and were rewarded with some ice cream! The evening concluded with a hilarious and engaging improv workshop called "Loose Moose". We all came out of our shell as we took risks and played some group activities. It was such a fun day! The student of the day was Avery, yay![AFG_gallery id='579']