Chattering Flying Squirrels - Calgary Stampede - July 16, 2016


From the moment we all woke up until about 9:00pm, when a big wave of exhaustion hit the entire group, each individual student and teacher had the biggest smile on their faces. We were all anxiously awaiting the moment where we passed through the turnstile and witnessed one of Canada’s most legendary events known as Stampede! But let’s backtrack for a moment.For the past few days, the teachers have been mentioning that on Saturday we will be going to a really fun and wild attraction that most students have never even seen before. We’ve slowly been giving clues as to what this mysterious attraction might entail. So this morning when the teachers finally explained that we will be going to Calgary’s Stampede, and what it is, everyone was filled with excitement. Despite the giddiness of what was to follow after the morning’s English lessons, it seemed like everybody was temporarily distracted by the creative lessons our teachers prepared.Following classes, we ensured to eat a large nutritious meal in preparation of the big day.Once we arrived at the Stampede, the students were given a brief tour of the grounds as we walked around familiarizing ourselves within our breakfast groups. About an hour later, the students were given about 5-6 hours of free time to explore Stampede for themselves. Some chose to walk off with a buddy or two while others formed larger groups. For those who are unfamiliar with Stampede, it is a must-see attraction given the large variety of unique things to do there. The vast majority of the students spent most of the day riding various roller coasters while others chose to play some carnival games – of course some students did both. This wasn’t all we did though. Students were given the opportunity to go face to face with some animals. I’m not talking about dogs and cats, rather I’m referring to large horses and bulls! Moreover, there were numerous shows talking place throughout the day. Some students caught a glimpse of the acrobatics, while other students sat through the entire motorcycle show where performers executed some death-defying stunts. Around 9:15pm the group decided that despite being in an insanely fun location, we had had enough. It was time to head back to the apartments, unwind, and recharge for tomorrow’s exciting activities. Most student’s passed out the moment their heads hit the pillows, probably dreaming about the massive water slides they’ll be going down tomorrow morning.[AFG_gallery id='446']