Chattering Wapiti - July 6, 2015 - Football, Canoeing, & Roller Skating! Yay!


Our students began their day with their breakfast conversational groups, of course - eating yummy food, speaking English, and getting ready for their jam-packed day. Then they proceeded to their first lessons with their new classes, including their new teachers! Most revolved around getting to know each other and practicing English, of course, while playing games and keeping things dynamic.Then a quick, bountiful lunch followed by a pleasant afternoon spent at the Glenmore Reservoir Park. Half the group learned Canadian Football in the sun while the others canoed and splashed around the water. Lots of fun running around, mixing with new students, and enjoying the sunshine and activities. Laughs and high fives galore.Our dinner was at Denny's - yummy North American fare - and then our next stop was the Lloyd's Recreation Centre. We had lots of good clean fun while trying out inline skating/roller blading, dancing to music, and laughing the whole time.Another fantastic day full of fun, activities, new friends, and - of course - English! Yay![AFG_gallery id='247']