Howling Wolves - 5 July 2015 - Stampeding Wolves!


Up bright and early today to rush off to the races! Today we experienced the Great West at the world's biggest's outdoor show, the Calgary Stampede! Students scurried off in groups to get in line for thrilling rides, interesting treats and unique exhibitions. The students enjoyed the adrenaline of exhilarating rides - spinning, flipping, dropping, and lots of screaming!Did we have a good lunch? Heck ya, at "Heck Ya" Hot Dogs and then we trampled off to the Grand Stand Rodeo show! Everyone was intrigued by the live cowboy and cowgirl performances as they rode, lassoed, and got nicked off horses, bulls, and broncos. The corral was filled with competitors from all around Canada and the United States, and boy were they talented! We cheered and WAHOOed till the cows came home! And when we came home, we made dinner together, and bonded over food and stories from the Stampede.[AFG_gallery id='246']