Chuckling Bison - August 7-8, 2015 - Bittersweet Goodbye

All good things must come to an end. Post-camping, the Bison started prepping their goodbyes. The morning started with a fun breakfast at SAIT with the other group, and then the students attended their final lessons. In the afternoon, to reminisce about the past four weeks, we all collected to watch a slideshow full of photographs and memories. After drying happy tears, we all dressed up for a swanky dinner at a local steakhouse! Some couldn’t hold back their tears at the thought of being away from each other after so many great days together. Back at our residence, we gave each student a personalized award, printed-out photographs, and a glossy certificate stating how many hours they practiced English here at Wynchemna. It was really special, celebrating each of the Bison, and us teachers were very happy to recognize them. They're really great people, and we'll miss them all.To cap off the night, both the Bison and the Coyotes joined forces for our final dance party! Everybody let loose, had fun with each other, and grooved the night away. Is there a better send-off?! The after-party continued at the residence into the wee hours, as most opted to spend their last few hours together instead of sleeping. Makes sense to me! There were absolutely no dry eyes the next day. Groups of students left for the airport every couple of hours, and we all convened to say our goodbyes, give our final hugs, and see them off. Of course, many tears were shed and promises made to keep in touch and visit each other. I think it's really sweet that everyone was so emotional about their departures, because it means everyone had a wonderful time here at Wynchemna over the past month. We'll miss each other, but we all have these experiences to share. Thank you so much to everyone that made these last few weeks so amazing. Missing you already! [AFG_gallery id='359']