Chuckling Bison - July 24, 2015 - SuperActiveDay: Rock Climbing, Beach Volleyball, Street Hockey, & Basketball


Hey! Let's hear about another Fun Friday here at Wynchemna with the Chuckling Bison!In Jefferson's class, the students discussed Culture Shock, urban sprawl, and the things that surprised them when they arrived to Canada. For Joe's, they finished up dream analysis and participated in a murder mystery. And in Fiona's, they played Balderdash and learned English idioms - like "beat around the bush," "piece of cake," and "costs an arm and a leg."The afternoon activities featured the return to the Stronghold rock climbing gym, where we had plenty of time to zoom up and down two-story-high walls of varying difficulties. Lots of skill on display, making for great photos! Then we played volleyball in the sand. Amazing day for it, and we all had a good time.Dinner was delectable, and everyone was grateful to be able to sit down, relax, and refuel for a bit. But then it was off to a nearby park for street hockey and basketball! The Bison love being active and playing sports - so we were happy to oblige them. Participating in the activities with them is a barrel of monkeys, too!We awarded Angel the Student of the Day tonight, for being so happy-go-lucky and amiable with everyone. From day one, even though he was one of the later arrivals, he has integrated himself into the group, interacting with and being sweet to everyone. We appreciate that kindness here at Wynchemna, and we're happy to have you here with us, Angel! Congratulations! :DNow we're all exhausted and going to have a great night of sleep! 'Night!

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