Chuckling Bison - July 28, 2015 - Exploring & Experiencing Life in Dino Land at Drumheller!


In Jefferson's lesson today, the students finished up presenting their ideal vacations - using the conditional tense in the process - and asked each other past tense questions for more practice. Joe's class explored dating and the differences in courtship between the students' countries. In Fiona's they wrapped up teaching each other about festivals they celebrate in their own countries.

We ate a quick and tasty lunch at SAIT, then hopped on the bus, bound for one of our most exciting days here at Wynchemna: Drumheller! Our first destination was Horseshoe Canyon, and it was a gorgeous day for it. We hiked up, down, and all around the badlands, taking in some breathtaking views and really pushing ourselves. We scrabbled up some buttes, showed off some poses, and had an exciting and marvelous (if exhausting) time.
Then we got to relax at the Drumheller Aquaplex, and let me tell you, the water and hot tub felt absolutely phenomenal. The diving board, rope swing, water slide, and basketball net were also lots of fun, and received lots of attention from the Bison.  After a great hour in the pool, everyone dried off and proceeded to our BBQ-in-the-sun. The burgers tasted perfect and the overall feeling with everyone was elation.
We checked out the Royal Tyrell Museum - the world's preeminent dinosaur and fossil museum, actually - afterwards, marveled at the T-Rex skeletons and all the interactive exhibits, then headed back to Calgary. Crowned Sheena the Student of the Day, then sent the Bison off to their rooms.
A fatiguing day, sure, but it was fantastic! Everyone loved it, and I can't wait for more fun tomorrow.
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