Cunning Arctic Foxes - August 2nd 2018 - The Great Calgary Race


Today was a crazy day for these Foxes! They started off the day with a great breakfast and some had the pleasure of having their English and French classes outside. Some students arrived last night and this morning so they had the chance to all get to know each other during breakfast and lessons.They announced rain and thunderstorms all day but that didn't stop these foxes from having their Great Calgary Race outside downtown. They got into groups and talked to so many strangers to get answers about their city and directions. They danced with these strangers, asked about their lives, got them to sign their t-shirts and MORE!It was an exhausting day walking around downtown Calgary and the students were tired and ready for an amazing Indian Buffet. They got into groups and went to grab their delicious food one table at a time. They really enjoyed the meal and mixing with some new students that arrived today. After dinner, they had a fun and musical ride home on the bus and went straight to bed because they were so tired.Zzzzzzz....[AFG_gallery id='834']