Soaring Horned Owls - August 5 - The Great Canadian Race
Cunning Arctic Foxes - August 2nd 2018 - The Great Calgary Race
Splashing Habour Seals - July 28th, 2018 - The Great Vancouver Race!
Gnawing River Beavers - July 6, 2017 - The Great Canadian Race!
Gnawing River Beavers ...Wynchemna Teachers 2017adventure, Calgary, Downtown, English, Friends, landmarks, lessons, new people, race, spaghetti, wynchemna
Cackling Canada Geese - July 4th, 2017 - Shopping and Games
August 4th 2016 - THE GREAT RACE - The Bugling Woodland Caribous
July 21st, 2016 - Great Calgary Race - Hissing Prairie Rattlesnakes
Hissing Prairie Rattle...Teachers922, adventures, Bears, camp, clams, computer keys, computers, cores, Downtown, energy, ESL, friendship, Great Canadian Race, meatballs, newsletter, Pictures, questions, spaghetti, strangers, talking
Laughing Sea Lions - July 31 2015 - Vancouver in a Day & Art Gallery
Chuckling Bison - July 31 2015 - Camping Prep
CalgaryTeachersapartments, Calgary, cleaning, curfew, Downtown, freedom, reward, Sports, Tim Hortons, wynchemna
Growling Grizzlies- July 11th, 2015
Clicking Orcas - Vancouver in a Day
Vancouver - August 6 Kite Surfing, Fair, Shopping
Ogopogos, VancouverDustin2013, Amusement Park, Downtown, Fair, PNE, Roller Coaster, shopping, Squamish, Sushi, Vancouver, wynchemna
Vancouver - July 28 Vancouver Amazing Race
Vancouver - July 11 Vancouver Aquarium And Bike Ride Around Stanley Park
Sasquatch, VancouverDustin2013, Aquarium, Bicycle, bike, Downtown, Jelly Fish, Pho, Sea Wall, Vancouver, Whales