Echoing Pacific Loons - Class Photos, Kayaking, Football, Rock Climbing and Volleyball - July 12th 2016


The students woke up bright and early for a day of excitement and sporting activities. With the bright eyed students we headed over to the Glenmore Reservoir, where we had previously canoed. The students were a slightly hesitant to how tippy a Kayak is but everyone managed to successfully paddle around, and not fall into the water. The students learned to throw an American Football and play a small but wildly exciting game of touch Football. They also had the opportunity to take part in an eventual game called Capture the Flag.The class photos were taken just beside the spectacular Glenmore Reservoir then headed to the mall for lunch - where the students had a beautiful choice of food. After the quick stop for stop for lunch the activities were not over yet! The Echoing Pacific Loons were split into two groups, one group went rock climbing at Stronghold Climbing Centre and the other to an intense game of volleyball at the Volleydome. Once the activity was done the two groups switched and tried the other sport. After volleyball and rock climbing we headed to dinner at Boston Pizza, where we enjoyed a delicious dinner. Even though the day was long, it was filled with adventures and excitement!HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAULINA![AFG_gallery id='417'][AFG_gallery id='418'][AFG_gallery id='423']