Echoing Pacific Loons - The Great Canadian Race - July 11th 2016


No amount of rain could stop us from trekking to the mall this morning to participate in our first stampede breakfast as a group. As we arrived, we were greeted with friendly smiles and warm plates of food. Country music floated through the air while we mingled with Calgarians, asking them questions about their city and the Calgary Stampede. People were so kind and open to sharing their stories & facts about Calgary with us.Once we arrived back home, we flew through our daily three lessons and then got ready to prepare for our extravagant evening adventure. The leaders surprised us with an activity called the Great Canadian Race, which was our very own version of The Amazing Race. After we were split into our groups, we all took off in different directions hoping to be the first group to complete the scavenger hunt and win the grand prize. We visited so many unique places in Calgary’s downtown like the Calgary Tower, Prince’s Island Park, and Chinatown all while making countless amounts of friends on the way.Once a few hours of running around had passed, we all met up at the Old Spaghetti Factory to grab some late night supper. Getting to rest our feet and sit down had never felt so good! We were only there for about an hour before we packed up our stuff, loaded ourselves into the bus, and headed home to our beds for some well deserved sleep.[AFG_gallery id='414'][AFG_gallery id='415']