Echoing Pacific Loons - Drumheller - July 14th 2016


Our Echoing Loons were up bright and early for lessons so that we could follow through with our planned trip to the always adventurous and exciting town of Drumheller. This trip began with a beautiful hike through Horseshoe Canyon, a distant region found in the Badlands of Alberta and 17km from the town itself. During our hike, the students were challenged to trek through slops and hills, and were surrounded by a visually engaging landscape. The sun was shining despite a forecast that predicted a fair amount of rain. A light drizzle of rain fell at most as the sun peaked through layers of white and grey clouds. Some students were surprised by the hike itself, but this ultimately did not stop them from keeping up with more experienced students who have hiked before, which was a pleasure to witness for both teachers and students. During the hike, our group stopped to take photos at a number of high peaks in the canyon. Some students even went as far as taking detours in order to take the most visually exciting photo they could think of. Experiencing the many landscapes Alberta has to offer is a main goal at Wynchemna, and is something that was definitely accomplished today at Horseshoe Canyon.Drumheller is known for being the site of many important archaeological discoveries that are considered world class. The students had the opportunity to visit the Royal Tyrell Museum, which is an institution that houses and presents archeological findings in and around Drumheller, but also from other sites as well. This education-based institute was graced by the presence of Wynchemna students, who took their time walking through the museum’s many varying dinosaur-themed exhibits. Students saw full-scale dinosaur skeletons that were paired with information sets describing these important hints to our past. Once students finished walking through all of the exhibits, we all met outside the museum for a group walk up to a peak just outside of the entrance. It was a high point of our day, as the sun was in perfect position, and the wind swept though as a light breeze. It was around this time that the students transitioned into a new feeling of comfort with each other as a group.One final stop would complete our trip to Drumheller, and the destination was a local swimming pool complete with a beautiful park just outside the pool doors. Students had to choice to swim in the pool or enjoy the breeze in the park to play sports or help with the process of having a group barbecue for dinner. Burgers and hotdogs were on the menu, and many our students were excited to lend a hand. The swimming pool was a great time, and included a fast waterslide, a swinging rope and a diving board. Sports in the park involved Canadian football as well as soccer. As the sun lowered itself in the sky, students who swam joined the rest of the group outside for a wonderful group barbecue.Our bus ride home was calm and relaxed, as students were looking forward to resting back at the SAIT campus. It would be safe to say that this day would be considered a student favourite so far at Wynchemna.[AFG_gallery id='440']