Galloping Western Mustangs - July 23, 2017 - The Great Calgary Race


This morning started with some early morning soccer for the devoted and willing early-risers. After a later breakfast, our lessons encouraged us to debate issues, present a hypothetical country and give out advice. The mustangs then headed out to a delicious lunch of rice, naan and butter chicken.Our afternoon was spent running the Great Calgary Race! We visited the downtown area of Calgary, found famous and exciting landmarks, and took the Light Rail Transit. The point of the game was to complete as many tasks and reach as many checkpoints as possible, and as fast as possible, to get the prize. All of our teams completed the hunt, and they met back up at the Old Spaghetti Factory for a filling dinner. The winners were announced when we got back at SAIT so they could claim their prize! [AFG_gallery id='658']