Gnawing River Beavers - July 7th, 2017 - Dinosaurs, Drumheller, and a Daring Hike!


Today was a long but exciting day for the beavers. The morning started off with the usual group breakfast, three lessons, and lunch.After lunch, we hopped on the bus and headed on an adventure to Drumheller to hike, explore the Royal Tyrrell Museum, and have a barbecue outside in the beautiful sunshine. While some beavers found the hike to be easy and others found it a little more challenging, what we all agreed on was that the view was amazing.Soon after we enjoyed the cool air conditioned museum that was filled with various different types of dinosaurs. The beavers then dinned on some delicious hamburgers, hot dogs, and salads all barbecued thanks to our efficient leader Eddy!The beavers then enjoyed the last of the setting sun playing soccer, volleyball, and frisbee on a field guarded by Dumheller's very own giant t-rex. After an amazing day in Drumheller it was time to say goodbye so we packed up our things, got on the bus, and drove away singing to Bob Marley's "Don't Worry".[AFG_gallery id='582']