Growling Polar Bears - January 30, 2018 - Downhill Skiing at Canada Olympic Park


Today the Polar Bears had a jam packed day full of adventure! This morning we got to sleep in a bit to prepare for our day at Canada Olympic Park, where we got to ski in both the morning AND the evening! After cooking up a delicious breakfast, we made our way to the mountain where we learned to ski from our teacher, Jaffra, who is also a ski instructor. At the beginning our ski boots were tough to walk in, but skiing was so fun that we didn’t even notice after making it onto the snow! We also learned that Calgary got a Chinook today, so it made the skiing much more fun because it was so warm outside.To give our feet and bodies a break from skiing, we headed home for English lessons, to play games, and work on the scrapbooks we get to take home with us after camp. We finished the evening a scrumptious pizza dinner and then made our way home to get some rest before our snowboarding experience tomorrow. Our day of adventure was a stupendous success!Growling Polar Bears - January 30, 2018