Grunting White Pelicans - July 28,2016 - Vancouver Art Gallery and Race


Today’s adventure began with breakfast to fuel our upcoming day in Vancouver. We all then loaded ourselves into the bus to head towards the Vancouver Art Gallery. This was a special occasion as we all got to see pieces by the talented Picasso. The exhibit focused on the art inspired by his muses throughout his pieces. We then headed to Pacific Coast Mall for lunch, this place also acted as our starting point for the Great Vancouver Race. This race required teams to take pictures of themselves in front of famous landmarks in Downtown Vancouver; we visited places like the Gastown Steam Clock and BC Place. After the race and a lot of walking students relaxed by enjoying some genuine street food and doing shopping. We returned to UBC Campus to wind down the night with some yoga taught by world-renowned professional yogi’s Maggie and Addy. The evening closed with some free time before bed some students could prepare themselves for the exciting day that awaited them tomorrow.[AFG_gallery id='512']