Grunting White Pelicans - July 29, 2016 - Paintball and Ceramic Painting


Today’s morning began like many others, with a breakfast with our groups discussing the upcoming day. After our bellies were filled everyone went to their lessons to have their minds filled with knowledge as well. Lessons spanned topics like multiculturalism, astrology and making our own Picasso masterpieces.  Following lessons, we all headed for another delicious lunch in the cafeteria. We then all prepared ourselves mentally and physically for the adrenaline rush that is paintball. Paintball was such a fun time as everyone fully committed to the games like Raise the Flag. Despite already being covered in paint we went to go some of our own painting, though we did not use the paint we were covered in.  First we stopped for some fresh sushi, afterwards everyone started to paint their hearts unto their ceramic mugs. I cannot wait to see the final product in a few days; I bet they will all be beautiful![AFG_gallery id='513']