Grunting White Pelicans - July 30, 2016 - Skating and Granville Island


Today we enjoyed a leisurely breakfast as one group in the morning. After breakfast we jumped right into lessons, there the student’s brains were made a little bigger just like their stomachs would be with the following lunch. Lunch had prepared everyone for skating at the rink on campus. Everybody enjoyed skating around both experienced and new skaters found the time to be exciting!Skating was followed with a trip to Granville Island to explore what the island had to offer. Here students looked around little shops and shopped a bit as they perused what surrounded them. On the way back students got to taste famous Dairy Queen, this was so much fun as no one can be sad while holding an ice cream cone. The day ended with a game of Ultimate Frisbee among the camp! What a fun-filled day for everybody! I cannot wait for tomorrow![AFG_gallery id='514']