Hissing Prairie Rattlesnakes - July 15, 2016 - Rock climbing, Volleyball, Loose moose


Today started off with exciting lessons in which the students were immersed in English and enriched their minds with new information. A quick lunch with rich conversation with their new friends flew by. Then off to rock climbing and volleyball they went!Scaling the rock wall was an incredible challenge that each student conquered with confidence and perseverance. Everyone learned how to tie new kinds of knots and belay each other up the wall. Motivating each other to get that one next rock solidified their friendships so that they were stronger then the knot they tied in the rope!Volleyball was sensational as the students learned how to serve and volley and bump to each other. Everyone working together to learn form and style with this new sport was great and laughs were heard throughout the volleyball dome along with the echo of a perfect hit.Students then had their last lesson of the day but thinking about dinner at Denny’s was mostly on their minds. As dinner passed quickly because of the in depth conversations about culture and Canada and their time here at camp, it was time for Loose Moose.Watching the improve show laughter filled the audience and the actors fed of the groups energy. The students hurried to bed with dreams of West Edmonton mall.[AFG_gallery id='443']