Hissing Prairie Rattlesnakes - Kayaking, Football - July 7th, 2016

Thursday morning started with a quick breakfast and the students jumped into their final classes before their five day camping break. After a delicious lunch catered by Happy Hut, the students hopped on the bus to go kayaking at the Calgary Canoe Club. Our instructor Ben, who we met previously while learning to canoe, gave us an awesome lesson on how to maneuver a kayak. The smaller, more agile, and sometimes tippy, kayaks provided hours of fun, with games such as tag and racing. Next the students were taught to play football by their coach, Teacher Joe. Although the rules of the game can be tricky to pick up at first, the students quickly grew to love the sport. The students who had previously played football were, extremely helpful in teaching other students to throw a football. For dinner, we had sandwiches made for us by the extremely popular Canadian restaurant, Tim Horton's. After dinner, the students packed their bags for tomorrow's five day camping trip. Lastly, when the students finished packing, Teachers Noah and Joe took the kids to the park to play basketball to finish off the day.[AFG_gallery id='406']https://www.flickr.com/photos/78673003@N07/28061493812/in/album-72157670094368222/https://www.flickr.com/photos/78673003@N07/28087339051/in/album-72157670094368222/https://www.flickr.com/photos/78673003@N07/27884227320/in/album-72157670094368222/
