Hooting Snowy Owls - Rock Climbing, Volleyball, Casino Night & Tent Games - July 7 & 8, 2016


The last two days have been busy ones for the Hooting Snowy Owls. Yesterday morning began with breakfast followed by lessons. After lunch, we hopped on the big yellow bus and headed back to Stronghold Climbing Centre to scale their 40-foot rock wall.Next, we played a lively and sandy game of beach volleyball before enjoying a delicious dinner of chicken, French fries, and pasta at the mall. We took advantage of yesterday's beautiful weather and walked back to SAIT and got dressed to the nines for casino night!The night began with fresh popcorn, soft drinks, and bingo, and culminated in exciting games of bingo, Uno, poker, blackjack, and roulette. After the games, the students cashed in their winnings at a mystery auction, where Canadian souvenirs commanded five-figure prices.Today we prepared for our upcoming camping trip. After breakfast, morning lessons, and lunch, the students gathered in their tent groups and made t-shirts and wrote team songs. Then we headed out to the backyard to practice putting up our tents before the students competed in the classic Wynchemna tent games which ended in a wild water balloon fight.[AFG_gallery id='407']P7070128