Hooting Snowy Owls - Laundry, Shopping - July 4th, 2016


This morning the students had another wonderful breakfast but not before chanting the song happy birthday to one of our teachers Brittany. Some of the students made her a cake of waffles and chocolate spread. This was a big surprise for Brittany and excitement filled the air. You knew just then that it was going to be an amazing day. There were a lot of happy tears shed and a lot of hugs shared.In class today all the students had a fun time learning some more fantastic English taught by teachers Malcolm and Megan. There was a major focus on the arrival of new students later in the day. A great time was had by all until the lessons were over. At which point more fun and excitement was building as everyone had a fantastic happy hut lunch. Just like the name itself everyone was happy and enjoying themselves.Right after lunch the students hopped on a bus and headed downtown to a big mall where they had time to shop around looking for the best souvenirs. The Disney store was a big hit as well as Toys are Us. After a fun and long afternoon at the mall the students came back to SAIT here they enjoy a wonderful dinner and met some amazing new people. The students went to bed excited for another amazing adventure come tomorrow.[AFG_gallery id='397']