Hissing Prairie Rattlesnakes - New Arrivals and Shopping - July 4, 2016


For those who missed their alarm clocks, they would've been awoken by the thunderous noise coming from breakfast room 511. At 9:20 AM, all of the students and teachers squished into the room to surprise a half asleep Brittany. Hugs were shared, birthday wishes were delivered and Brittany devoured a cake made of "Eggo" waffles.After a one day break from the trip to Banff, the lessons resumed. With tired legs from yesterday's hike, the students made posters to welcome their new classmates.Following the first lesson, the students marched down to the basement and stuffed their laundry into the washing machines. Amidst the chaos of 50 people doing laundry, everyone had all of their clothes cleaned and returned to them, including their socks.The group then jumped on the bus to do their first shopping excursion. Market Mall is filled with over 200 stores and collectively the students spoke English in each one. The students shopped responsibly and took advantage of reasonable Canadian prices. For those reading this blog at home, some of your gifts have been purchased.Dinner was eaten at the mall and everyone piled back on the bus with their shopping bags.One final lesson was enjoyed by the enthusiastic kids. Joe led a group of 15 students to the soccer field to play a game of Canadian football. Touchdowns were scored and the game wrapped up. The kids went to bed, excited to meet their new roommates who were still arriving.[AFG_gallery id='396']