Hooting Snowy Owls/Hissing Prairie Rattlesnakes - Shopping and Soccer - June 26, 2016


Today’s journey truly began last night when two students arrived from Mexico.  All the teachers were delighted to be joined by Natalia and Esmeralda and share a meal with them.Shortly after everyone settled down for bed that evening ready to start a new journey all together. They prepared to set off for their adventure with delicious breakfast prepared by Addy. They then started their trip to the most northern part of Calgary, to a mall called CrossIron Mills. The three girls enjoyed their time laughing all together as they explored the stores. After a few hours of “shopping until they dropped” they returned to the SAIT campus. Following some quality girl time doing their nails, two new additions were added to the camp. New students, Giuseppe and Hoang, arrived just in time to share a meal of shawarma with the group.After dinner, everybody went on a quick walk down to the SAIT soccer field to kick around the ball and play some games. Everybody did very well throughout the game but Hoang’s skillful goals were definitely a force to be reckoned with on the field. Night came upon the group as they returned home to rest before the remainder of the students come join them tomorrow. All the Wynchemna teachers agree that if today was any indication of how the camp was going to go, it was definitely going to be an amazing and fun-filled summer for everyone.[AFG_gallery id='386']