Chattering Flying Squirrels - July 13, 2016 - Exam, Scavenger Hunt, Ice Hockey & Soccer


Chattering Flying Squirrels - Off on the right foot on day two.After a much needed rest last night, the Chattering Flying Squirrels commenced the day by devouring a massive meal with their breakfast groups. Some students were privileged enough to have their breakfast group teacher show them the ropes and cook the entire meal, while other students jumped on the opportunity to showcase their cooking skills and joined in on the fun.Shortly afterwards, some were surprised to hear about the two hour (written and oral) English exam - after some feedback it's clear that it wasn't too bad and some even had fun with the questions.After a tasty lunch consisting of noodles, burgers, pizza, burritos and/or salads, we all ran around the entire SAIT campus with our breakfast groups on a scavenger hunt! It was a close call but in the end Julia's group prevailed!All of this occurred before 3pm and we still had much more planned for the rest of the day!After digesting the results of the scavenger hunt, the C.F.S. made their way to the ice hockey rink. After watching some of the games, I was utterly shocked to hear that it was the first time several of students had ever played hockey, yet alone walk on an ice rink!Once the games were finished the students still had lots of energy so we boarded the school bus and made our way over to the soccer field where we played a few pick-up games after going over some of the rules and practicing.At this point, as you can imagine, many of the student's were wiped so we completed our day with a delicious dinner and some more games where we got to know each other a bit more and bond as a scurry (a cohesive bunch of flying squirrels).[AFG_gallery id='429']