July 1st, 2017 - Happy 150th Canada!


Happy 150th Canada!Today was Canada's national holiday to celebrate the birth of this country - today it is 150 years old! Our morning started with breakfast groups as usual and then we went to lessons. Our teachers shared with us a bit of the history of Canada and we prepared ourselves for the festivities that awaited us.Adorned in Canada's tattoos and stickers of Canada's flag we headed down to Kensington to enjoy some Vietnamese food. After or bellies were full we headed to Princes Island Park to see what activities the city held. We got to see some pretty cool things even though it rained a little bit.After we escaped the rain we got together with our breakfast groups to plan a meal to share altogether. Everything from fajitas to spaghetti was enjoyed for supper. Fueled with food and now ready to go we walked a little closer to downtown so we could enjoy the fireworks altogether. What an exciting show of lights and colours! We then headed to bed, dreaming of what tomorrow holds for us.[AFG_gallery id='570']